Computing Guide

This website is an unoffical resource for computing resources and guides that you might find helpful during your time in the department. Everything in these pages is designed to help you out, and it only exists as a resource to support your learning.

Installing Dependencies using VCPKG

This guide will talk you through managing your CMake dependencies using VCPKG

setting up vcpkg on windows

This is how you can setup VCPKG on Windows.

The Git Workflow

This is a guide on the basics of how to use the Git command line.

Git Cheat sheet

Some useful git commands

Submit a Repository for assessment

This guide explains how to submit a Github repository on learning space for an assessment.

Using a Github Template

This guide explains how to create a repository based on a template on Github Enterprise.

Introduction to CMake

CMake is a cross-platform build system that makes dealing with large projects easier. This guide introduces the key concepts.

Opening CMake Projects (CLion)

This is a brief guide on the steps to open a cmake project in clion

Opening CMake Projects (Visual Studio)

This is how to load CMake projects in Visual Studio.

Pipenv (Python)

Pipenv is a tool for creating reproducable python envrionments. The resources I’ve written for this module make use of pipenv to ensure that library versions match and the correct python versions are used. This guide will talk you through using pipenv for managing a python virtual environment.


PyCharm is the offering from JetBrains for Python development. It comes in two editions: Community Edition is FOSS Professional Edition is Non-Free, but you can use a student licence Both versions are suitable for your time at university, however, if you are developing commerically or wish to use Free Software editors, the community edition is recommended. You can compare the differences between the versions on the Jetbrains Website.


Rider is an editor in the Jetbrains suite. You can get a student licence while you are at the University, at time of writing there is no community edition of this product. Rider is not available in our computing labs, an alternative, Visual Studio is available. However, if you need a cross-platform (Linux compatable) editor then Rider is a good choice for home use.
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